The nutritional content of the Bilona ghee is more as compared to others. It contains a higher amount of vitamins, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acid DHA, omega-6 (CLA), and mono-saturated fatty acid (MUFA). It has numerous health benefits. So AlterLyfe brings to you Vaishvik Vedic A2 Desi Cow Bilona Ghee from Gwala Gaddi – one of the oldest association promoting natural & chemical-free & unaldulterated products and supporting thousands of farmers in rural India.
The traditional method of making ghee – Bilona Method – is quite elaborate. Cow’s milk is boiled and cooled. Then a spoonful of curd is added to this milk and kept at room temperature overnight. The curd is then churned to extract butter from it. This butter is then boiled so that the water evaporates leaving behind pure ghee. Approximately 25-28 litres of milk is used to produce 1 kg of ghee. Cow milk in itself, especially of an Indian breed, is rich in essential vitamins and other nutrients. This ghee is made using the high-quality milk of free-range Himalayan, Badri & Sahiwal cows that graze on the mineral-rich grasslands. This ghee is highly nutritious with a rich authentic flavour and aroma. It is 100% natural & chemical – free with no preservatives or additives. This ghee is EIA Certified and also exported to America, Singapore, Dubai and Canada.