Mr Fit Copper Bottle – Bamboo


A traditional yet contemporary collection for Healthy Lyfestyle…

  • Authentic Copper Product : Pure copper is used in making of these attractive bottles.
  • Hand crafted : Made by expert and skilled workers using traditional methods.
  • Lacquer Coating : Lacquer coating is done to maintain the finishing and feel of copper for ages.
  • Ease in Maintenance : Maintenance becomes very easy because of the Lacquer finish. All cleaning instructions are given in the flyer which comes with the product.
  • Attractive Design : Contemporary and trendy designs.
  • Seamless: All products are Seamless and made out of a single sheet of copper.
  • Easy to carry: Can be carried to office, school or any outdoor location.

Benefits of drinking water from Copper Bottles:

  • Drinking copper-enriched water ensures the maintenance of different organs, the immunity system and the metabolic process.
  • Copper water helps detox and cleanse the stomach to ensure proper elimination of waste and toxins from the body.
  • Copper regulates our blood pressure and heartbeat, and develops bones and other connective tissue.
  • Copper stimulates the higher production of red blood cells and helps in the absorption of iron.
  • Proper consumption of copper encourages detoxification, production of healthy skin cells and slows down aging.
  • Storing water in a copper vessel creates a natural purification process. Its known for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

We recommend not putting the copper products in the fridge or freezer- metal contracts and expands with the change in temperature, and putting it into extreme cold and hot temperatures could damage the bottle.

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As we now stand on the threshold of a New-Normal world with a defined universal sense and as we recognize the wisdom of Age-Old methods of well-Being and spiritual pursuits… AlterLyfe presents a wide array of Authentic Copper Products by Pratik Copper with manifold Health Benefits and Contemporary Designs.
Spiritual Range
Wellness Range
Decor Range
Traditional Range

Copper is quite instrumental in physical and mental healing. Medicinally copper has been used for thousands of years. Ancient cultures recognized copper as a healing mineral. Copper was found useful for its healing powers both internally and externally. It is still used in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases, as well as internal diseases, anemia, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease. It is also used for its healing properties in improving the circulation of blood, increasing energy, and detoxification of the body. Copper is considered a mineral to increase energy and mental agility. Copper is known to support healing by keeping the pathways for healing open.

Cleaning Instructions : Pour vinegar and salt over the copper, Rub in. Keep rubbing to remove any tarnishing and grime. Rinse off & Polish up with a clean, soft, dry cloth.

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